11 month picture of a baby boy with a giant teddy bear.

I know these are the 11 month pictures, but today is actually Corbin's birthday!

At this time last year, I was in stupor, and Ant was barely able to make information technology to the hospital in time.

We aren't having any cake or presents until this weekend, but today is the twenty-four hours.

Does anyone else experience really former on their kid's birthdays?

11 month picture of a baby boy with a giant teddy bear.

The last month has been a whirlwind of ear splitting shrieks, clapping, empty-headed bobble head dancing,

chasing (on both sides), and him mocking every laugh, cough, sneeze, etc. in ear shot.

A little boy with a big dimpled grin sitting with a giant teddy bear.

He's a ridiculous flirt with his head cocked sideways and a giant dimpled grin.

He'due south a ham for the camera. Heck, he's a ham in full general and seems to know that he's cute.

He gets super dramatic when he's tired, whipping his head back and throwing himself to the basis.

He's got an clamorous appettie and enjoys yelling "AH DUN" (all done) whenever he finishes a meal or bottle.

A 3 year old girl and a 11 month old little boy sitting with a giant teddy bear.

I've lost rails of the number of times he'southward been injured by his sis,

and the bruises he has gathered on his forehead from every surface imaginable.

Collage of baby pictures ages 1 to 11 months.

He's definitely already a smart-aleck little handful.

Only fifty-fifty when he's getting into that thing he shouldn't be touching

(for the 400th time today), I wouldn't trade him. He just too darn cute.

Happy Altogether Bubba!

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